We’ll see what 2022 has in store for us. However, the year got off to a good start in the QSL department for me with a nice haul of cards. Here are just a few, many of them are All Time New Ones (ATNO). Let’s hope the trend continues through the rest of the year.

This card for a contact with KP2B in the US Virgin Islands does a fine job selling the place! Contact was on 20M using FT8 in 2020.

Despite working a bunch of Cuban stations over the years I only had two QSL cards until this card for a contact with CO6XE arrived in the mail. Contact was made on 17M using FT8 in 2020.

I worked P40AA in Aruba on 160M using FT8.

I don’t hear many stations from Liechtenstein on the air. It’s a very small country. I worked the national Amateur Radio club station on 20M SSB during the IARU HF Championship.

Back in 2018 I worked TX0M on Morane Atoll in French Polynesia. I just got the confirmation for this 20M SSB contact.

Another contact from 2018, this one TO6OK on the French island of Mayotte off the east coast of Africa. Contact was made using SSB on 20M.

The only station in Jersey I’ve ever worked is GJ0KYZ. This card confirms contacts on 40M and 17M using FT8 in 2020 and 2021.

Another 2018 QSO? Do you sense a theme here? The VP6D DXpedition to Ducie Island netted SSB contacts on four bands for me. This included 20M, 17M, 15M and 12M.