Here are a few of the more interesting QSL cards I received in the last month.
I’ve worked a ton of US Virgin Island stations on the air over the years. But I’ve heard very few British Virgin Island stations for some reason and never managed to work one. The VP2V/N2EIN DXpedition there took care of that void with multiple contacts from 30M through 10M on SSB and FT8.
This card from 3DA0VV confirms on QSO with the Kingdom of Eswatini, formerly known as Swaziland. The 20M contact was made using SSB. It’s my first card for the country.
I’ve gotten number of contacts with Gibraltar under my belt in the last few months. This FT8 QSO on 15M with ZB2R was for a new band country. Since he didn’t do LoTW I sent for a physical card. It’s a nice one.