Here are some of the latest cards to arrive at my QTH.

I worked Raul (EA5KA) during his visit to Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean where he operated as CE0Y/EA5KA. This QSL card confirms contacts on new bands on 30M and 17M, both using CW.
I had confirmed the Ducie Island, also in the Pacific, during previous DXpeditions. But I picked up a new band and mode while working VP6A on 17M and 30M using CW and FT8. Note the Radio In a Box landing craft on the beach. The future of many DXpeditions?

China is not a rare country on the Amateur bands. And I’ve confirmed many such contacts via LoTW. But this is the first QSL card I’ve ever received from the country. I worked BI4VIP on 10M using SSB.
Now here’s a new one. 5A1AL is the only station in Libya that I’ve ever worked. We made an FT8 contact on 15M.