The criteria for this category of award is simple. Work a given number of unique stations in the specified country and you’re eligible for another award to add to your shack.

The number of such awards out there is large. Chasing all of them can easily keep you occupied for some time to come. Thankfully, many may be tracked electronically and even requested for free.

Getting started is also easy. You can earn some Country QSO Count Awards with as few as 2 unique stations. Then you can chase after additional certificates in the same program for 100, 500 stations and many more. The top level Worked United States Stations Award requires contacts with 10,000 unique stations!

The design of the certificates often reflect the culture or geography of the countries in question. One of my favorite series is the YB6_DXC’s Japan Award, which features colorful watercolors paintings.
Some of the best sources for these types of awards are from organizations that specialize in digital modes. This includes the European Ros Club (ERC), FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) and the YB6 DX Community (YB6_DXC). Each of these clubs use the Ultimate AAC application to automatically keep track of your digital contacts and eligibility for new awards.
Here is just a small sampling of Country QSO Count Awards to get you started.
Country | Award | Notes |
Alaska | Worked Alaskan Stations Award | FT8DMC |
Brazil | Worked Different Amateur Radio – Brazil | ERC |
Canada | Worked Canadian Stations Award | FT8DMC |
Cuba | Worked Cuban Stations Award | FT8DMC |
Hawaii | Worked Hawaiian Stations Award | FT8DMC |
Japan | WDM Japan Award | YB6DXC |
Mexico | Worked Mexican Stations Award | FT8DMC |
New Caledonia | Worked All New Caledonia Award | FT8DMC |
United States | Worked United States Stations Award | FT8DMC |