Here’s another FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) award that does not require too many contacts to acquire. The Worked All New Caledonia Award (WANKA) requires only two FT8 contacts with Amateur Radio operators on the island territory of New Caledonia. There is only one class of the award.

The WANKA award is presented in digital form (both JPG and PDF versions available). Like other FT8DMC awards, it is entirely free! I’m guessing the award itself features a photo of the nation’s capital city, Nouméa.
I’ve worked three different FK stations on FT8, all from my humble home station. Being on the west coast obviously helps me propagation-wise. Still, it should not be that terribly hard to achieve as long as you keep your eyes open for FK stations calling CQ. As we entire Solar Cycle 25, improving HF conditions should make this even easier.
The Worked All New Caledonia Award is just one of many Country QSO Count Awards that are offered by multiple groups.
The FT8 Digital Mode Club sponsors this and many other awards, all dedicated to promoting FT8 activity. Applications for the awards are handled through the UltimateAAC (Ultimate Award Application Center) program which must be installed on your computer. I need to do a separate post on how to install and use UAAC since it’s not always the easiest application to use.