Worked All States (WAS)

Worked All States (WAS) Digital certificate

The American Radio Relay League’s (ARRL) Worked All States Award (WAS) is one of the most prominent domestic awards in Amateur Radio. To obtain the award applicants must submit proof of having worked another Amateur Radio station within each of the 50 states that make up the United States of America. I recently achieved WAS […]

GCR – General Certification Rules

GCR List

When looking at Amateur Radio operating awards and the rules that apply to them you will often come across the acronym GCR. GCR stands for General Certification Rules. It defines a method by which the operator can prove to the award manager that they successfully made and confirmed the required contacts for an award. Traditionally, […]

Get Your ARRL Certificates

June VHF 2011 Certificate

Certificates are the awards of Amateur Radio contesting. Many Hams around the world dedicate large amounts of money and time building up stations and operating skills to take on their competition and win. But there are plenty of opportunities for participants of all levels to take part and compete against similarly equipped stations nearer to […]

Sticker Shock

Endorsement stickers

No, this is not a post about the high price of HF gear, or anything similar to that. Instead it’s about award stickers. I recently received two stickers for two separate awards and thought I’d pontificate a bit about them. The two stickers that just arrived are for my DXCC Phone and WPX Mixed certificates. […]

Pay Attention To Your Tools

Antenna Tuner

CLACKY-CLACKY-CLACK! I’ve owned an LDG Electronics AT-200Pro Autotuner for years. It’s done a great job tuning up various antennas I’ve owned over the years. I’m not sure I could be more happy with it. So it was a little bit of a surprise recently when I fired up the rig to make an FT8 contact […]

New Desk And Hung Awards

KA5WSS Operating Desk

After much contemplation, I finally pulled the trigger and ordered a stand-up desk for my home office/station. For years I owned a simple desk with a crisscrossing tubular frame that was fine, but presented some problems. Because the frame ran parallel to the desk on the ground it meant a rolling chair could not get […]

Field Day 2019

W6AJF Field Day Station

I operated Field Day this year with the Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club. We set up a 3 station emergency power operation at Sonoma Skypark. Power was supplied by batteries and solar panels. Field Day for the club is a very laid back affair. Everyone learns a little bit about something. Everyone operates […]

All Countries 15 Zone (AC15Z)

AC15Z Award

I just received my newest certificate, this time for the All Countries 15 Zone Award (AC15Z). The Polish Amateur Radio Union (PZK) is the sponsor of the award. Poland lies with the 15th CQ Zone, which is termed the “central European zone”. As the name implies, to earn the award one must make a number […]