TR-751A Revived!

KA5WSS Operating Position

Thanks to a big favor from fellow University of Texas ARC alum George Fremin (K5TR) I have a working 2M multi-mode radio once again. Some years ago I purchased a used Kenwood TR-751A that output 25W on the 2M band. The real selling point was that it also has SSB support. It worked great for […]

DX Century Club (DXCC)

DXCC Phone Award

Procrastination. when done well, is worth doing again and again. After years of working DX and having worked over 100 countries, I finally got around to applying for the DX Century Club award (DXCC)!  Then, I allowed the certificate to sit around for months or maybe more than a year. Just recently I got it […]

Amateur Radio Award Acronyms


There is no shortage of acronyms in Amateur Radio. That applies to the sub-hobby of Amateur Radio Awards Hunting. Here is an incomplete list of acronyms you might come across when hunting for wallpaper. AJD – All Japan Districts DXCC – DX Century Club GCR – General Certification Rules JCC – Japanese Century-Cities JCG – […]

ARRL Outgoing QSL Bureau Rates

QSL Cards

Flash: Hold off on sending in your outgoing QSL cards to the ARRL, at least until May 15th. When I got more active in Amateur Radio recently I was a bit taken aback by the much higher rates for the ARRL Outgoing QSL Service. Having been licensed in 1985 I’m getting old enough to wax […]

Diploma America

Diploma America

I just got my second award from Grupo DX Cuba, this time the Diploma America. This award is earned by confirming Amateur Radio contacts with Hams in countries throughout North and South America. There are several classes of awards, making it easy to get started on this one as you work your way up. Diploma […]

All Japan Districts (AJD)

AJD Award

The Japan Amateur Radio League sponsors the All Japan Districts (AJD) award. This was one of my earlier Amateur Radio awards and I think a pretty sharp looking one as well. Given the issue date I almost certainly made all of the required contacts from the University of Texas ARC station (W5EHM at the time, […]

Rag Chewers Club

RCC Award

I think the Rag Chewers Club (RCC) was the first Amateur Radio award I qualified for. To qualify, one need only provide evidence of having made a single QSO that lasted more than 30 minutes. The implication being that such a contact involves interacting with another Ham to cover more than the abbreviated signal report […]

Diplom S6S

S6S Award

The well known Worked All Continents (WAC) is a popular award that represents an easy entry into the pastime of Amateur Radio awards hunting. But the International Amateur Radio Union’s (IARU) version is not the only game in town. Like the popular Worked All Continents award, the Czech Radio Club’s S6S synonym award does not require […]

ITU Zone Award

ITU Zone Award

CQ Magazine’s Worked All Zones (WAZ) is one of the oldest, most prestigious and highly sought after awards in Amateur Radio. Their 40 zone dicing of the world is not the only way to carve up the Earth’s landmass. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) does the same thing with the planet using their ITU zones. […]

New LogConv Website


I’ve rolled out a new LogConv website to replace the pages that used to reside on this site. It’s still a bit threadbare, but more will be added in the future. LogConv is my simple utility which allows for the conversion of Amateur Radio log files from one format to another. Current file types supported […]