Worked English Stations Award

England is the most populous entity within the United Kingdom. For Amateur Radio purposes, like in Soccer/Football, it’s treated as a separate country. The FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) offers the Worked English Stations Award (WESA) for making contact with a given number of different English stations. The entry point for the first award is […]

2M Yagi Build Event

During their August 2024 meeting, the Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club (W6AJF) held a 2M Yagi antenna build event. The club’s President, Ed (W1EJ), ensured all of the needed parts were provided. Several members brought soldering irons and other tools that were needed to complete the work. In the end, everyone interested was […]

August 2024 QSL Card Inbox

Here are some of the more interesting QSL Cards I’ve received over the last couple of months leading into August 2024. I also received a nice card for 7P8EI in Lesotho from CW and SSB contacts 17M and 15M respectively. Strangely though, my scanner would not scan the card without a weird anomaly showing up […]

Worked Different Amateur Radio – China

China’s economy has risen over the decades, and so has its population of Radio Amateurs. I recall starting out in Ham Radio in the 1980’s and China was a rare find on the bands. That’s no longer the case. The European ROS Club (ERC) issues the Worked Different Amateur Radio – China award to Hams […]

Worked Different Amateur Radio – South America

South America has 12 nations, 3 territories and a few other DXCC entities thrown in for good measure. The Worked Different Amateur Radio – South America Award from the European Ros Club rewards Hams who make contact with at least 50 different stations on the continent. There are a good number of Hams in South […]

Worked French Stations Award

France is one of the most visited countries in the world. You can make your own exploration of the country through the Worked French Stations Award (WFSA) issued by the FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC). FT8DMC issues the award in three classes, each of which requires a different number of contacts with unique stations. The […]

Worked Different Amateur Radio – Oceania

From an Amateur Radio perspective, the continent of Oceania consists of the countries occupying the expanse of the Pacific Ocean. There are a lot of DXCC countries here but they are spread over a large area of the globe. The European ROS Club issues the Worked Different Amateur Radio – Oceania Award for working at […]

German Stations Award

Germany has a rich Amateur Radio history and plays host to one of the largest Amateur Radio conventions every year, Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen. The FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) issues the German Stations Award (GSA) for making digital contacts with at least 10 different Amateur Radio stations in Germany. With thousands of licensed Hams […]

June 2024 QSL Card Inbox

I had another good run of QSL cards coming in through May and June. Several All Time New Ones (ATNO) and plenty of cards that filled in needed modes or bands. I had worked Saint Helena before but this QSL card from ZD7Z filled in a band and mode gap for me. I work Elvira […]

Sonoma Hamfest 2024

On Saturday, April 27th the Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club (VOMARC) hosted their annual Sonoma Hamfest. The popular swap meet also includes an FCC license exam session (headed up by Elizabeth, N6LY), station demonstration and full breakfasts. Prior to the event the club got some good publicity in the form of a Sonoma […]