The Amateur Radio 60M band is an odd creature. Unlike every other band, 60M is channelized into 5 discrete buckets. This limits the flexibility Hams enjoy on other bands to get the most use out of the spectrum allocated to us. Because of these limitations, groups that sponsor operating contests and even awards have avoided adding support for it.

There is one notable exception. CQ’s WPX Award does track the number of prefixes you work on 60M and issues a sticker for working 175 unique prefixes on the band. But after you’ve achieved that, what’s left to chase on the band? Plenty!
Just because it’s not possible to work towards an official 60M DXCC or WAZ award doesn’t mean you are out of options at 5 MHz. Alternative award sponsors have filled the gap and given us all a number of award synonyms to go after. These include:
Award | Equivalent | Sponsor |
Diploma Paises | DXCC | ERC |
Worked Caribbean Award | N/A | FT8DMC |
Worked Different US Stations | N/A | ERC |
Worked All States | WAS | ERC |
Worked All States | WAS | FT8DMC |
Worked All Zones | WAZ | FT8DMC |
Worked All Prefixes | WPX | CQ |
Worked Prefix Award | WPX | FT8DMC |
So don’t neglect the overlooked 60M band when considering new award hunting opportunities.