Here are some of the more interesting QSL Cards I’ve received over the last couple of months leading into August 2024. I also received a nice card for 7P8EI in Lesotho from CW and SSB contacts 17M and 15M respectively. Strangely though, my scanner would not scan the card without a weird anomaly showing up in the form of a line. Just something about the picture I guess.

I worked the A8OK DXpedition to Liberia in Africa on a number of bands and modes. This card confirms contacts on 160M, 80M, 40M, 30M 17M and 12M. All contacts made with a mixture of FT8, SSB and CW modes.
I had worked Easter Island in the Pacific before. But this card from 3G0YA confirmed FT8 and SSB contacts 15M, 12M and 10M. These are all new band or modes for the DXCC entity.

I worked the Austral Islands recently, so this was not an ATNO for me. But this card from TX7W confirmed FT4 QSOs on 17M, 15M and 10M. All of these were made using my modest home station.
I received not one, but two QSL cards for stations in Bhutan, an All Time New One (ATNO) for me. This card from A52P confirms FT8 contacts on both the 15M and 20M bands.

What is it with ATNOs and two cards in recent months? I received this QSL Card for contacts with TT8RR and TT8XX in Chad. They confirm QSOs using CW, SSB and FT8 on the 15M, 12M and 10M bands.
Let’s wrap up with another ATNO. I’ve worked D2UY on many bands at this point and confirmed them via LoTW. But this QSL card confirmed no less than 5 contacts on FT8 on 10M, 12M, 15M, 17M and 20M. Three of the 5 QSOs were made using my home station.