Category: Awards

Chasing after operating awards is one of my main activities in Amateur Radio.  In this category on my site you’ll find descriptions of many awards that I’ve received and how you can go about receiving your own.


The Canadaward is the Radio Amateurs of Canada‘s (RAC) answer to Worked All States. To obtain the award you need to work one Amateur Radio operator in each of the country’s provinces and territories. That amounts to a total of 13 separate contacts. In addition to the standard all modes and bands basic award, there […]

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Japanese Stations Award (JSA)

Japan has one of the largest populations of Amateur Radio operators in the world and FT8 is now one of the most popular operating modes. Combining these two facts, the FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) offers the Japanese Stations Award (JSA) for working as many Ham Radio stations in the Land of the Rising Sun […]

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Worked Grids USA

Maidenhead grid squares started out as a contest multiplier for VHF contests. Particularly with the rise of the FT8 digital mode, grid squares have become common on the HF bands as well. The European Ros Club‘s Worked Grids USA award celebrates working stations within grid squares that include some portion of the United States. It […]

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Worked Caribbean Award

The Caribbean Sea is often portrayed as a paradise on Earth with sandy beaches, cool ocean breezes and a laid back atmosphere. Can’t get away for an island adventure at this time? You can use the Worked Caribbean Award (WCARA) as a way to imagine and plan for a future trip. The FT8 Digital Mode […]

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Worked Grid Spain

The European Ros Club issues the Worked Grid Spain award for working stations in 5 different grid squares that cover Spain. That is just the start. You can receive additional awards for every 5 additional squares up to the maximum, which appears to be 55. That’s 10 different certificates. But why stop there? You can […]

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Worked All Japan Prefectures Award

Japan consists of 47 administrative units below their national government. These entities, called prefectures, are roughly analogous to states in the United States. The Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) sponsors the Worked All Japan Prefectures Award (WAJA) for making contact with at least one Ham Radio operator in each of these prefectures. Beyond the standard […]

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Worked Unique Stations Awards

There are a large number of awards available just for working a given number of unique stations in a defined area. This area can be a DXCC Entity, a Continent or anything else the award manager chooses. You can easily qualify for many such awards with a relatively small number of QSOs and obtain endorsements, […]

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Worked Grid Japan

The European Ros Club (ERC) offers a new goal to chase while working as many Japanese stations as possible using digital modes. The Worked Grid Japan Award (ERC-GRID-JA) can be had with just two contacts in two different Maidenhead Grid Squares. But that is just the beginning of your quest. You can chase 14 different […]

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Worked Region 2 Award

The world gets divided up in many ways. The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) carves up the world into three regions for administrative purposes. Region 2 consists of the continents of North and South America. The FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) sponsors the Worked Region 2 Award (WR2A) for working Ham Radio stations in the countries […]

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Worked Different Amateur Radio – Europe

Although not the most populous continent, Europe looms large in the Amateur Radio DXing world. It’s home to a large number of countries given its size and many of those countries sport a healthy Ham population. The Worked Different Europe Amateur Radio award, supported by the European Ros Club (ERC), rewards Hams who make at […]

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