Category: Awards

Chasing after operating awards is one of my main activities in Amateur Radio.  In this category on my site you’ll find descriptions of many awards that I’ve received and how you can go about receiving your own.

Diploma Caribe

Diploma Caribe

I just received a new operating award, Grupo DX Cuba’s the Diploma Caribe. To earn the award contacts must be made with a number of Amateur Radio stations around the Caribbean Sea. There are several classes of award, each requiring contacts with a number of unique countries. The different classes provide an easier and quicker […]

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WPX Mixed

WPX Mixed Award

CQ Magazine issues the WPX award for Amateur Radio operators who confirm contacts with a given number of unique callsign prefixes (KA5, GM0, 6Y5, etc.).  The basic award is available for those who can confirm contacts with stations featuring 300 unique prefixes (400 for the Mixed certificate).  Endorsements are available for each additional 50 new […]

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