Category: Awards

Chasing after operating awards is one of my main activities in Amateur Radio.  In this category on my site you’ll find descriptions of many awards that I’ve received and how you can go about receiving your own.

Worked Different Amateur Radio – South America

South America has 12 nations, 3 territories and a few other DXCC entities thrown in for good measure. The Worked Different Amateur Radio – South America Award from the European Ros Club rewards Hams who make contact with at least 50 different stations on the continent. There are a good number of Hams in South […]

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Worked French Stations Award

France is one of the most visited countries in the world. You can make your own exploration of the country through the Worked French Stations Award (WFSA) issued by the FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC). FT8DMC issues the award in three classes, each of which requires a different number of contacts with unique stations. The […]

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Worked Different Amateur Radio – Oceania

From an Amateur Radio perspective, the continent of Oceania consists of the countries occupying the expanse of the Pacific Ocean. There are a lot of DXCC countries here but they are spread over a large area of the globe. The European ROS Club issues the Worked Different Amateur Radio – Oceania Award for working at […]

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German Stations Award

Germany has a rich Amateur Radio history and plays host to one of the largest Amateur Radio conventions every year, Ham Radio in Friedrichshafen. The FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) issues the German Stations Award (GSA) for making digital contacts with at least 10 different Amateur Radio stations in Germany. With thousands of licensed Hams […]

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Award Synonyms

Worked All Japan Call Area

You are likely aware of the most popular Amateur Radio operating awards. DXCC, VUCC, WAZ, WAS, WPX are some of the bigger ones. What’s not as well known is that there are a number of other awards that sometimes closely mirror, if not exactly match, the requirements of the better known awards. Why bother with […]

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AGB-Digital Countries

Chasing countries on the air is one of Amateur Radio’s most popular activities. The Activity Group Belarus offers Hams who work at least 50 countries using digital modes with the AGB-Digital Countries award. This award synonym not as widely known or chased after as the venerable DX Century Club (DXCC) from the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). […]

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Worked Grid Award (ERC)

The European Ros Club issues the Worked Grid Award to Amateur Radio operators who work at least 100 unique Maidenhead Gridsquares. It is an award synonym to the American Radio Relay League‘s (ARRL) popular VHF/UHF Century Club (VUCC) award, at least for the six meter band. Like VUCC, the entry point for WGA is contact […]

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Diploma 5 Continentes Modo Digital

The Diploma 5 Continentes Modo Digital (DCM) from the European Ros Club (ERC) rewards the Radio Amateur who makes digital mode contacts with other stations on each of the five populated continents of the World. Wait, did you say five continents? Continental awards, such as Worked All Continents (WAC) generally exclude Antarctica from the landmasses […]

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Digital Prefixes (AGB)

Historically, prefix award tracking could be a royal pain. But modern technology has come to the rescue allowing for chasing after Worked All Prefixes (WPX) with relative ease on Logbook of the World. The Activity Group Belarus offers their own WPX synonym called AGB-Digital Prefixes. Unlike WPX, it won’t cost you a dime to obtain […]

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Worked All States (ERC)

Working an Amateur Radio station in all 50 States of the US is an achievement that can be obtained using stations of all capabilities. There’s a reason why the American Radio Relay League‘s Worked All States Award is one of the most popular operating awards around. But there are similar synonym awards for the same […]

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