Category: Clubs

I’m a member of a number of clubs, including my local club, the Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club (VOMARC).  Although a member of the Sonoma County Radio Amateurs (SCRA), I don’t make it to meetings generally.  Sonoma is a big county.

On the national level, I’ve been a member of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) for years.  In fact, I’m now a life member.  In the past I served as a Public Information Officer and Public Information Coordinator for the South Texas Section of the ARRL.

2M Yagi Build Event

During their August 2024 meeting, the Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club (W6AJF) held a 2M Yagi antenna build event. The club’s President, Ed (W1EJ), ensured all of the needed parts were provided. Several members brought soldering irons and other tools that were needed to complete the work. In the end, everyone interested was […]

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Sonoma Hamfest 2024

On Saturday, April 27th the Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club (VOMARC) hosted their annual Sonoma Hamfest. The popular swap meet also includes an FCC license exam session (headed up by Elizabeth, N6LY), station demonstration and full breakfasts. Prior to the event the club got some good publicity in the form of a Sonoma […]

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Field Day 2023

The Valley of the Moon ARC (W6AJF) achieved its highest Field Day score in all of the years I have been involved with the club effort. Our 445 QSOs beat out 2019’s effort by just three contacts. But CW contacts and extra points pushed us over 2,500 for the first time. Preparing to erect the […]

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Field Day 2022

My local club, the Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club (W6AJF), operated from Sonoma Skypark once again. It was an interesting outing in that we had to overcome multiple issues before things started to roll for us. This made the exercise a good practice run for solving problems on the fly in the field […]

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Field Day 2019

W6AJF Field Day Station

I operated Field Day this year with the Valley of the Moon Amateur Radio Club. We set up a 3 station emergency power operation at Sonoma Skypark. Power was supplied by batteries and solar panels. Field Day for the club is a very laid back affair. Everyone learns a little bit about something. Everyone operates […]

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Field Day 1986

W5EHM Field Day

The University of Texas Amateur Radio Club (W5EHM at the time) set up a portable operation on the University of Texas at Austin campus in 1986 for Field Day in 1986. This was a short distance from its Ham Shack at the time.

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1998 Phone Sweepstakes

1998 Phone Sweepstakes

The University of Texas ARC effort in 1998 earned a 5th place spot in the Collegiate Championship for Phone and contributed to an overall 3rd place finish in the combined category. It was one of the top 5 Phone Sweepstakes efforts in school history.

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1997 IARU HF Championship


Call: W5EHM Country: United States (351) Mode: Mixed Category: Multi Single BAND QSO QSO-PTS PTS/Q ZONES HQ STNS 160 0 0 0.00 0 0 80 9 21 2.33 3 2 40 58 184 3.17 12 11 20 263 839 3.19 21 17 15 17 43 2.53 5 0 10 0 0 0.00 0 0 ————————————————— […]

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