Category: DX
With such a small, humble home station, how can I manage to work much DX? Time and location diversity! I’ve been licensed since 1985. So I’ve seen more than one solar cycle and made the most of them (mostly) to work DX.
I also utilize remote stations where needed to work a new one. Although I would prefer to work everything from my home QTH, I have to be realistic. I would NEVER have broken through to Bouvet Island from home. My general philosophy is work them however possible first. I can try from home later.
Nevertheless, I still have managed to work enough countries from home alone to obtain DXCC.

Here are a few of the more interesting QSL cards I received in the last month. I’ve worked a ton of US Virgin Island stations on the air over the years. But I’ve heard very few British Virgin Island stations for some reason and never managed to work one. The VP2V/N2EIN DXpedition there took care […]