Category: DX

With such a small, humble home station, how can I manage to work much DX?  Time and location diversity!  I’ve been licensed since 1985.  So I’ve seen more than one solar cycle and made the most of them (mostly) to work DX.


I also utilize remote stations where needed to work a new one.  Although I would prefer to work everything from my home QTH, I have to be realistic.  I would NEVER have broken through to Bouvet Island from home.  My general philosophy is work them however possible first.  I can try from home later.


Nevertheless, I still have managed to work enough countries from home alone to obtain DXCC.

December QSL Card Inbox

Wrapping up 2021 with a number of QSL cards that have been received in the last few weeks. There are a couple of all time new ones (ATNO) to show for my efforts. I had worked Colombia many times in the past but I did not have much in the way of physical QSL cards […]

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November QSL Card Inbox


The last few months had been rather quiet, QSL Card-wise. Things started to pick up as of late. I worked HP1AVS in Panama on 17M using FT8.  A flag and a map on a QSL card is always a plus with me. Two of my favorite things. The Mexican Club Radioaficionados Hidrocalidos (XE2CRH) celebrated their […]

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May QSL Inbox

May was another good month for me, QSL wise. Working Pacific islands is much easier from California than it was from Texas. This card confirms contacts with E51BQ on Rarotonga (South Cook Islands) using FT8 on 30M and 17M. Indonesia isn’t that rare, but for whatever reason I had never acquired many YB QSL cards. […]

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April QSL Inbox

H40TT QSL Card

April was very good to me. I got my first QSL Bureau shipment in a very long time. I expect more frequent deliveries in the future as I continue to operate more and catch up on my QSLing. The world of QSLs have changed a lot in the last decade or so. I was beginning […]

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March QSL Inbox


March 2021 has been good to me, QSL-wise. I’ve had some trouble getting a Belarus QSL card for a while. So, I was happy when Sergey (EU1A) came through with this 40M SSB confirmation. The V31MA card here confirmed three FT8 contacts on three different bands. The more interesting for me is the 60M contact. […]

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When a station is calling “CQ DX” on the air, what do they mean? The obvious and easy answer is that they are looking for stations far away (at a “distance”) and outside of their country. So, if I hear K5PI in Texas calling CQ, which I am literally doing right now as I type […]

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QSL Inbox – December 2020

A15AW QSL Card

The last few weeks have been very good to me from a QSL standpoint. After holding off on QSLing earlier in the year due to COVID-19 related interruptions to international mail I dipped my toes back in the water and sent out a bunch of requests. Here are a few of the recent successes. The […]

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