Category: QSL
QSL cards and QSLing in general.

I’m a big fan of HamRadioDeluxe (HRD). All of my logged QSOs go into it. QSL chores are much easier by having all of your contacts in an easily searchable database. As a software engineer, I delayed jettisoning paper logs for far too long. There’s no going back now for me. Despite buying HRD some […]

Here are some of the more interesting QSL Cards I’ve received over the last couple of months leading into August 2024. I also received a nice card for 7P8EI in Lesotho from CW and SSB contacts 17M and 15M respectively. Strangely though, my scanner would not scan the card without a weird anomaly showing up […]

Things have really picked up, QSL-wise in April. On April 19th I received a shipment of 94 QSL Cards from the Incoming QSL Bureau! I had inadvertently allowed my envelope count to drop to zero and the cards started to pile up. Sorting through those and updating my logbook kept me busy for some time […]

Up through mid-December, things were a bit slow on the QSL Card Inbox. But I received a number of interesting cards as Christmas approached. In the end, it’s been a productive couple of months at KA5WSS. This card confirms contacts with 9Q1AA in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It confirms QSOs on 15M and […]