February is the shortest month. Would a short month also mean fewer incoming QSL cards to report?

I worked CQ8M on the Azores Islands in the Atlantic Ocean on 40M SSB. The QSO was made from a remote station in New York.

I’m impartial to QSL cards with maps. This card from FK8HA has one and confirms our QSO on FT8 on 15M. The contact was made from my modest home station.

This card confirms my FT8 QSO on 17M with JD1BMH on the Ogasawara Islands in the Pacific Ocean. Though part of Japan, it’s so far away that it counts as a separate DXCC entity.

I worked A71AM in Qatar on 20M SSB for another All Time New One (ATNO). Qatar is in the Persian Gulf.

I’ve worked Svalbard years ago but neglected to get a QSL card and since then that operator had become a SK. For this 20M SSB contact in 2021 I did not waste much time in getting JW0W to confirm. Svalbard is a group of islands in the Arctic Ocean and is one of the most northerly inhabited areas in the world.