January 2025 QSL Card Inbox

The last couple of months have been very busy on the QSL Card front. A lot of DXpedition cards have come in as well a nice size stack of cards from the incoming bureau. So many cards that I had to leave out quite a few that were interesting, but just not enough to make the cut. I also received an 80M card for an 80M contact with 6Y5X in Jamaica from 1989! Another success in my list of ancient contacts.

I worked TI9/TI2JJP on Cocos Island in the Pacific Ocean about 340 miles off the coast of Costa Rica on 20M using SSB. It was an All Time New One (ATNO) for me.

Mozambique has eluded me for some time. So I was happy to work C91AHV on 10M using FT8 and get this card for an All Time New One (ATNO).

I worked St. Paul Island back in 1993 but did try to QSL the contact until the logs were lost. So when CY9C was on the air I made to sure to get the QSOs confirmed ASAP. This card confirms 9 QSOs on 160M – 10M (minus 40M and 60M) using CW, SSB and FT8. FT8 contacts were made from my modest home station.

I’ve had many contacts with the Azores Islands. But it’s nice to see Martti Laine (OH2BH) still active after all these years. I worked CU2AA in the ARRL DX Phone Contest on 20M, 15M and 10M from my home station.

I’ve only received one other card from Gabon. So this QSL from TR8CR, which confirms a CW contact on 10M, was a welcome sight. It’s a new mode country for me.

I had worked Palmyra/Jarvis just once before in 1988. But I loaded up on bands using CW when N5J was active. This QSL card covers contacts on all bands from 40M through 10M

Just my second Market Reef card ever. This QSL from OJ0JR confirms an FT8 contact on 17M.

I had worked the Marquesas in the Pacific Ocean before, even from my home station. But this card from TX7L confirmed SSB contacts on the 17M and 12M bands. Thus, a new mode country for me.

Yet another All Time New One (ATNO) for me. This card from FT8WW in Crozet in the Indian Ocean confirms CW and FT8 contacts on the 30M, 20M and 17M bands.

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