Here’s a sampling of interesting QSL cards that I received during the month of March in 2022.

Another All Time New One (ATNO) for me. I worked EA6VQ in the Balearic Islands on both 40M and 30M using FT8. The islands are in the Mediterranean Sea and reside far enough away from Spain to count as a separate DXCC entity.

I got a couple of QSL cards for contacts with the Isle of Man. This one was for QSOs with MD0CCE using FT8 on 15M and 20M. But I also worked Bob with his personal call, MD2C, on 20M SSB last year.

I’ve worked Cape Verde before, but I finally got my first QSL card. This one is for a contact D4C during the CQ WPX Contest on 15M using SSB.

How about another ATNO? This time it was for a contact with Iran. I worked EP2MRK on 20M SSB and sent for the card not too long after the contact.