I had a pretty good run over the last couple of months on the QSL Card front. Plus, I have a large number of cards at the Incoming Bureau waiting to be sent so even more to come in the near future.

I had worked Yemen in 1990 and received a card for it. But this QSL card confirming contact with 7O8AD confirmed CW and FT8 contacts on 15M and 10M. New modes and bands all around. Kenneth (LA7GIA) operated from Socotra Island in the Indian Ocean, a much safer QTH than on the Yemeni mainland!
I worked the H44WA DXpedition to the Solomon Islands on both 10M and 12M. Though I had electronically confirmed contacts with the country before, this physical QSL card confirmed both CW and SSB QSOs.

I had worked Antoine at 3D2AG in Fiji seven times on FT8 from 2020 through 2022. This card was one of two which confirmed them on all bands from 40M through 10M. All of these contacts were from my humble home station.
Antoine also operates from Rotuma Island from time to time. It counts as a separate DXCC entity given its distance from the core of Fiji. I worked him on both CW and FT8 on the 20M, 17M, 15M and 12M bands.

Here’s an All Time New One (ATNO) for me. PR0T operated from Trindade & Martim Vaz Islands, a Brazilian possession in the South Atlantic Ocean. Far enough away from the mainland, it counts as a separate DXCC entity. I worked them 10M and 12M using SSB and FT8 respectively.
Another ATNO here in the form of a QSO with VK9QO in the Cocos Keeling Islands. The islands lie northwest of Australia in the Indian Ocean. Its distance from the mainland garners it separate DXCC country status. I worked them on 20M using FT8.