March 2021 has been good to me, QSL-wise.

I’ve had some trouble getting a Belarus QSL card for a while. So, I was happy when Sergey (EU1A) came through with this 40M SSB confirmation.

The V31MA card here confirmed three FT8 contacts on three different bands. The more interesting for me is the 60M contact.

FT8, and living in California, makes contacts with Samoa possible even with very modest home stations. This card confirmed contacts on both the 20 and 17 meter bands.

I normally have difficulty making down to South America from my home station. Strangely, I seem to be able to work into the Falkland Islands fairly well. VP8LP didn’t give me a strong report on FT8, but it was good enough for a contact. A QSL card with a map and a flag is also a plus for me.

This is another one of the ancient contacts that I was lucky enough to finally confirm. I worked XF4T on the remote Mexican island of Soccorro in the Revilla Gigedo Archipelago in November of 1989. I was still in college at the time and was not as diligent about following up with my QSLing. Fast forward three decades and I’m very fortunate that Javier (XE2CQ) was still able to confirm it for me.