May was another good month for me, QSL wise.

Working Pacific islands is much easier from California than it was from Texas. This card confirms contacts with E51BQ on Rarotonga (South Cook Islands) using FT8 on 30M and 17M.

Indonesia isn’t that rare, but for whatever reason I had never acquired many YB QSL cards. This contact with YB2HAF was for an FT8 QSO on 20M.

I worked FK8CE on 40M using FT8. This is my first digital mode QSL for the country.

There are a lot of Fiji stations on the bands it seems, at least here in California. This QSL card confirms FT8 contacts with 3D2TS on 40M, 30M and 17M.

South Sudan is a very new country, being only about 10 years old. This card confirms my 17M FT8 contact with Z81D and my first since South Sudan was an officially recognized country.

This QSL card confirms two contacts with EA9IE. The first was from all the way back in 1990 when I worked him on 80M when I was still in college. The second contact was for a still 10M old contact in 2011. Both were using SSB. This is my first card from Ceuta, the Spanish enclave on the African coast.

This is a good one. This QSL card for a contact with T77LA in the small country of San Marino on 17M SSB represents and all time new one (ATNO).

And how about another ATNO for good measure? TN/UA9FGR in the Republic of the Congo was worked on 17M using FT8.