Here are some of the more interesting QSL Cards that I’ve received in my Inbox over the last couple of months through November 2024.
I’ve only worked two Andorran stations the entire time I’ve been licensed. So I was happy to receive this QSL Card from C31CA for a contact on 20M using FT8.

This card could qualify for an ancient contact for me. I worked V85GA in Brunei way back in 1991 and did not get around to confirming it until recently. Thanks to Gerald for confirming this 10M SSB contact.
This JT1BV card from Mongolia confirms FT8 contacts on both 15M and 10M. It’s my second card from operator Naran but the first that confirms contacts from my humble home station.

This one card from T77C in San Marino covers 35 years of contacts. It confirms an SSB contact on 15M in 1988 and an FT8 contact on 12M in 2023.
I worked V4/N2HX on the island of St. Kitts on the 12M band using FT8.

Ceuta is one of a couple of Spanish enclaves on the northern African Coast. It counts as a separate DXCC entity from Spain. I worked EA9PB on 15M using FT8 from my modest home station.