Tag: Japan

Japanese Stations Award (JSA)

Japan has one of the largest populations of Amateur Radio operators in the world and FT8 is now one of the most popular operating modes. Combining these two facts, the FT8 Digital Mode Club (FT8DMC) offers the Japanese Stations Award (JSA) for working as many Ham Radio stations in the Land of the Rising Sun […]

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Worked All Japan Prefectures Award

Japan consists of 47 administrative units below their national government. These entities, called prefectures, are roughly analogous to states in the United States. The Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) sponsors the Worked All Japan Prefectures Award (WAJA) for making contact with at least one Ham Radio operator in each of these prefectures. Beyond the standard […]

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Worked Grid Japan

The European Ros Club (ERC) offers a new goal to chase while working as many Japanese stations as possible using digital modes. The Worked Grid Japan Award (ERC-GRID-JA) can be had with just two contacts in two different Maidenhead Grid Squares. But that is just the beginning of your quest. You can chase 14 different […]

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Japan Century Cities Award

Despite being the size of the state of Montana, Japan packs 125 million people into hundreds of cities. With a large Amateur Radio population the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL) came up with the Japan Century Cities Award (JCC). To qualify for the entry level award you need to confirm contacts with Japanese hams in […]

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Japanese Call Area Award

Like the United States, Japan divides up their nation into ten geographical areas and assigns each a digit used to create their Amateur Radio callsigns. The FT4 Digital Mode Club‘s (FT4DMC) rewards Hams who make contact with at least one station in each of those call areas using FT4. The JCA is an award synonym […]

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WDM Japan Award

Japan has one of the largest number of Amateur Radio operators in the world. The YB6_DXC Digital Modes club offers the WDM (Worked Digital Mode) Japan Award for working certain numbers of unique Japanese Amateur Radio stations using only digital modes. New England may enjoy privileged access to European stations. But here on the West […]

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Worked All Japan Call Area (WAJCA)

Worked All Japan Call Area

One of my earliest awards was the All Japan Districts award, sponsored by the Japan Amateur Radio League (JARL). Only requiring 10 contacts, it was relatively easy to achieve. It didn’t hurt that it seemed there were even more Japanese stations on HF in the 1990’s when I earned it. Compared to some stateside awards […]

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All Japan Districts (AJD)

AJD Award

The Japan Amateur Radio League sponsors the All Japan Districts (AJD) award. This was one of my earlier Amateur Radio awards and I think a pretty sharp looking one as well. Given the issue date I almost certainly made all of the required contacts from the University of Texas ARC station (W5EHM at the time, […]

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