Although not the most populous continent, Europe looms large in the Amateur Radio DXing world. It’s home to a large number of countries given its size and many of those countries sport a healthy Ham population. The Worked Different Europe Amateur Radio award, supported by the European Ros Club (ERC), rewards Hams who make at least 50 contacts with different Amateur Radio stations across the pond.
You’re not done with this program after just 50 contacts. You can receive addition certificates at various levels up to the current maximum of 30,000 QSOs! That alone counts for 24 awards. But wait, there’s more.

Not only can you chase European stations on a mixed or all band effort, you can do the same on single bands. Given individual bands from 160M through 6M (12 in all in addition to the mixed award) the math starts to get impressive. That comes out to 312 possible certificates to chase!
The certificates come with a large photo of some sight from somewhere in Europe. The certificates themselves do not identify the locations. So you can use the opportunity to do some research and discover more about Europe in the process.
To apply for the Worked Different Amateur Radio – Europe Award, and all other ERC awards, you must install the UltimateAAC application on a Windows machine. That application scans your WSJT-X ADIF log file and will inform you when you’ve qualified for the award at various levels. ERC issues the award in digital form only (JPG or PDF) with no printing or shipping costs. In fact, the award is completely free, like all of their other awards.